Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Waiting for so long

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon.

My topic today is about our allowances. It's been a while since the last time we, MKJB students, received our allowances. The last time we received is October 2012's allowances. so its like 4 months of waiting. I know the amount is not as much as wages but we as students who don't have any other besides the college allowances, so it's kind of a need for us.

So that's it. I'm just complaining about my allowances.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Health Awareness

Assalamualaikum and good morning.

As you know, we are given assignment to publish a poster titled health awareness. We are told to choose at least 3 disease or any kind of illness and make a poster with a leaflet of the awareness of the diseases and illness.

In my team, we chose Parkinson, Alzheimer and Anemia. We are told to use any kind of graphic software to make the posters. It is due til tomorrow. So I'm gonna leave now. I have posters to make. BYE!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Assalamualaikum  and good morning.

Last two weeks, us, Marine B attend a ceramah at MKJB surau. We talked about Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. I don't think I have to insert all the talk from the imam cause it'll be long. So I'll just post the pictures here.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Exchange Student to Singapore part 2

Assalamualaikum readers.

I told you at my previous post that I was nominated for the Exchange Student to Singapore. Well, I got it!!! Alhamdulillah I was chosen as a Exchange Student to Singapore. Of all 66 Marine Engineering Diploma students. I was chosen for the Exchange Student to Singapore. Alhamdulillah. I am happy to hear the news. I will try to participate myself in all activities available in Singapore when I arrived there. Me and the others will depart some when in June.

But the problem is, my passport is for Sabah and Sarawak only. The green one. And as the matter of fact, I lost it :( but I will try to get it done soon. This is the only opportunity I'm offered sponsored by MOE. So I must get it done! Fighting!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Assalamualaikum fellas.

Yesterday was quite boring. We didn't have anything to do. I mean no lesson because Sir Zul (our electrical technology instructor) was MC and Sir Yusran was not able to come to the college.

And also yesterday, Sir Moe, our I.T Application instructor left us with an assignment. Our assignment is create 3 poster using any picture editting software such as photoshop, picasa and etc. With the them Me, My Marine and Brunei. oh yeah, within a week! I think the time given for the assignment is not enough. So to Sir Moe, if you're reading this, please give us more time. PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Interview for an Exchange Student

Assalamulaikum and good afternoon my fellow readers.

Every year, MKJB send eight students as exchange students to Singapore. All diploma students. Since this year MKJB has 6 active courses, so it'll be 1 student from each course and 2 extra students individually picked by the admin.

Alhamdulillah I was chosen as a nominee for the exchange student. Today, me and the others were asked to wait at the foyer for the interview. Unfortunately, I was the first to be interview among the others. For me, it was a disadvantage as the first to be called for interview because I won't know the questions asked from the interviewer from the other nominees.

Alhamdulillah the questions were not very difficult. If I am chosen to be the exchange to student, I better start looking for my passport. Its been month since the last time I saw it. Sir Yusran said the answer will be reveal tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

Parents Teacher Meeting

Assalamualaikum and good morning. Welcome again to my blog.

Last Saturday, we had a Parents Teacher Meeting event taking place at MKJB Multi-purpose hall. The event started at 8am-12pm and continues at 2pm-4pm. My mom arrived at 2pm. I companied my mom to our GC (Group Coordinator), Sir Saini.

We went to Sir Saini table and Alhamdulillah I got compliment from my GC. I scored 3 Distinctions and 3 Merits and 1 passed -.- that passed was General Engineering Knowledge. Aish... But overall he said my result was very good. But what was very good was when he told my mom, I'm a very good student! Alhamdulillah.

I will try to score much more distinctions at my phase test 2. In Shaa Allah.

Thank you for reading my blog. Keep on following my updates. Bye!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

I'd like to say sorry for the late submit of my exercises. I already finished it a long time ago but the college's wifi were not very pleasing last Thursday. So here they are:-
 Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 9